terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

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Como usar a internet para aprender novos idiomas

É fácil ser autodidata na rede. Além disso, não custa nada!

09/11/2009 11h 57

Londres sem sair de casa? É, pode parecer clichê, mas dá para aprimorar seu inglês na net

por Filipe Garrett

Dentro da vastidão de conteúdos disponíveis na internet há espaço cada vez maior para o chamado e-learning: educação a distância baseada na rede. E uma área que progrediu muito nesse mundo novo é a do ensino de idiomas.

Segundo Ana Luiza Bergamini, uma das responsáveis pelo site www.inglesonline.com.br, que oferece material para tirar dúvidas, curiosidades e exercícios para quem estuda a língua inglesa, a opção dos cursos virtuais é válida desde que exista uma relação equilibrada entre o interesse do estudante e a didática plataforma de ensino: "muitos sites oferecem lições de gramática com exercícios e alguns exemplos em áudio, o que pode ser muito bom para aprender a mecânica da língua", diz.

Ana Luiza, contudo, ressalta que, para aprender, ganhar fluência mesmo num nível básico de qualquer língua, é necessário ouvir muito o idioma estudado, além de praticá-lo. "Por isso recomendo que o aluno procure sites que apostem na interatividade e permitam que as lições sejam baixadas para ouvir em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora". Vale lembrar ainda que, se por um lado você não paga nada, por outro terá que ter disciplina para estudar no computador e não abandonar o curso.

- Sites para estudar biologia e matemática
- Sites para estudar física e química
- Sites para estudar história e geografia
- Como usar o Youtube para estudar

Dentre as vantagens do sistema "aprenda você mesmo" na internet estão a praticidade de se estudar em casa, gerenciar os próprios horários e, claro, cortar custos. Existem sites que oferecem cursos e são pagos mas, em geral, os gratuitos não ficam atrás.

É o caso do Livemocha rede social desenvolvida para que pessoas do mundo todo ensinem e aprendam, ao mesmo tempo, novas línguas. Entre os milhares de usuários do site está o cearense Renam Sávio de Paula, 22 anos, estudante da área de computação, que aprende inglês na rede social. Para Renam, o Livemocha é mais do que um lugar para estudar, afinal é possível interagir com pessoas do mundo todo, com o mesmo objetivo, algo que os cursos convencionais não oferecem. "Além disso, você envia dúvidas, seus áudios e seus exercícios para as pessoas da comunidade corrigir, e você acaba também recebendo material de outras pessoas que estão aprendendo alguma língua que você domina", conta.

Veja aqui uma seleção de sites onde você pode aprender uma nova língua:

Livemocha: Aposta em ensinar línguas de forma gratuita através da colaboração entre todos os usuários, que interagem ensinando uns aos outros. Há suporte para conversação e você pode fazer amigos no sistema, afinal, é um "Orkut" para aprender línguas. O Livemocha oferece suporte a mais de 20 idiomas, do inglês ao mandarim.

BBC Brasil: a rede britânica BBC mantém um curso com vídeos, áudios e notícias em inglês. Embora não disponha de exercícios, o site possui lições em vídeo de um personagem, "O Professor", notícias em tempo real, explicações sobre pronúncia e vocabulário. Pode ser uma ótima alternativa para praticar mais o inglês que você aprende por outros canais. Se você domina o idioma, mas quer aprender um outro, a BBC possui um site que ensina línguas do mundo todo.

Deutsche Welle: trata-se do curso de alemão gratuito promovido pela rede de notícias alemã - equivalente à BBC e seu curso de inglês. A página da DW dispõe de arquivos em áudio, vídeo, textos e exercícios para treinar o alemão em qualquer nível, do mais básico ao avançado, sempre apostando em interatividade. Além disso, há cursos voltados para necessidades específicas, como negócios, viagens e até mesmo dialetos alemães.

Francoclic: é um site para aprender francês desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC), na esteira das comemorações do Ano da França no Brasil. O Francoclic possui um acervo completo com diversas modalidades de ensino, todas com lições que contemplam pronúncia, gramática, vocabulário e interpretação textual.

Weblínguas: site idealizado pelo Centro Latino de Línguas (CLL) com cursos completos de inglês, espanhol e francês. Possui bastante conteúdo interativo, propõe exercícios e os envia no seu email. Há também jogos para treinar o vocabulário, lições em áudio e testes. E, como todos os outros sites aqui listados, é tudo gratuito.

Veja outros sites para estudar línguas na internet


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quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2011

Filmes e e atividades em PDF para serem usadas em sala de aula. Enjoy it!

Acesse : http://www.eslnotes.com/synopses.html

The English Learner Movie Guides

(Presented in Alphabetical Order)
All movie guides are available in PDF, HTML and WORD formats (PDF is best
for printing). To learn more about how to view and print them out, click here.
A Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind

(Drama/Biography) (2001)

A Mighty Wind
A Mighty Wind

(Comedy) (2003)

A League of their own
A League of Their Own

(Comedy) (1988)

Almost Famous
Almost Famous

(Biography/Comedy) (2000)

American Splendor
American Splendor

(Comedy/Drama) (2003)


(Historical Drama) (1997)

Analyze This

(Comedy) (1999)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
A League of their own
A Raisin in the Sun

(Drama) (1988)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
American Graffiti
American Beauty

(Drama/Comedy) ( 1998)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
American Graffiti
American Graffiti

(Comedy) (1972)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
American Pie
American Pie

(Comedy) (1999)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Animal House
Animal House

(Comedy) (1978)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Animal House
Annie Hall

(Comedy) (1978)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Apollo 13
Apollo 13

(Drama/Adventure) (1995)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

(Drama) (1990)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Best in Show
Best in Show

(Comedy) 2000)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Blazing Saddles
Blazing Saddles

(Comedy) ( 1973)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Bonnie and Clyde
Bonnie and Clyde

(Drama) (1967)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Bowling for Columbine
Bowling for Columbine

(Documentary) ( 2002)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast at Tiffany’s

(Romance/Classic) (1961)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]


(Musical/Drama) ( 1972)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]


(Drama/Classic) (1942)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Cast Away

Cast Away

(Drama) (2000)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]


(Drama) (1974)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

(Comedy) (1994)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Dead Poet's Society
Dead Poets Society


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Dog Day Afternoon
Dog Day Afternoon

(Drama) (1975)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Dr. Strangelove
Dr. Strangelove

(Comedy) (1964)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Dumb and Dumber
Dumb and Dumber


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Erin Brokovich

(Comedy/Children’s Fantasy)(2003)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Erin Brokovich
Erin Brokovich


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

(Drama) (1996)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Forest Gump
Forrest Gump

(Comedy/Drama) (1994)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Fugitive
The Fugitive

(Drama/Adventure) (1993)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

(Drama/Comedy) (1967)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Good Girl
The Good Girl

(Drama/Comedy) (2002)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Good Will Hunting
Good Will Hunting

(Drama/Romance) (1997)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Graduate
The Graduate

(Drama/Romance) (1967)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day

(Comedy) (1993)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Harold and Maude
Harold and Maude

(Comedy) ( 1971)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
House of Sand and Fog
House of Sand and Fog

(Drama) ( 2003)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
In America
In America

(Drama) (2002)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Inherit the Wind
Inherit the Wind

(Drama) (1960)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
It’s A Wonderful Life
It’s A Wonderful Life

(Drama) (1946)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Last Picture Show
The Last Picture Show

(Drama) (1970)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Legally Blonde
Legally Blonde

(Comedy) (2001)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Lost in America
Lost in America

(Comedy) (1985)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Manchurian Candidate
The Manchurian Candidate

(Political drama) (1962)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Man on the moon
Man on the Moon


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents

Moscow on the Hudson
Moscow on the Hudson


Mr.Smith Goes to Washington
Mr.Smith Goes to Washington


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire


[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My Big Fat Greek Wedding

(Comedy) (2002)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
My Cousin Vinny
My Cousin Vinny

(Comedy) (1992)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

(Comedy/Drama) (1976)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The Nutty Professor
The Nutty Professor

(Comedy) (1996)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

(Drama) (1975)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Paper Moon
Paper Moon

(Comedy) (1973)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
The People v. Larry Flynt
The People vs. Larry Flynt

(Drama) (1996)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

(Drama) (1993)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Pieces of April
Pieces of April

(Comedy) (2003)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]
Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes

(Science Fiction) (1968)

[ PDF ]
[ WORD ]
[ HTML ]

Entertainment Magazine: Free Movies

Entertainment Magazine: Free Movies
Watch and Download Free Movies from EMOL.org

Watch and download free movies, music videos, classic TV shows and trailers on your PC or mobile device.

There is no cost for these movies since they are in the public domain and no longer have a copyright.

The free movie catalog includes a collection of nearly 200 classic films- comedies, cartoons, dramas, romance, westerns, classic TV shows and dozens of music videos, video clips and movie trailers.

These movies play automatically if you have either Quicktime or Windows Media Player installed. You can also choose several different play and download options for each movies.

A new format is also being installed so movies play streaming in a larger screen.

Select free movies to watch and download.
How to watch free movies on your computer

There are two options to view these free movies. Play them instantly and watch the movies online, or download them to watch later.

These movies use a new code found in many browsers that provide quick streaming video without any special software.

The Free Movie FAQ tells how to improve your experience, learn new techniques for watching and downloading movies from the Internet and helps solve problems.

Watch directly on your computer. Select a movie title. Choose a play speed. The movie will start to play. How to watch free movies
Download the movies to a PC. Watch the movie, and just save the movie file to play it later. Transfer to a mobile. How to download free movies. Browse the list of free movies to download.

If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or other mobile video player, watch movies on your device. Download the movie to your PC and synch it to your video device. Learn more about transferring movies to your mobile.

These free movies and downloads are courtesy of Entertainment Magazine (EMOL.org). We are able to provide this free web service through the support of our affiliate advertisers throughout our site. Most major retailers accept international sales and deliveries.
Watch TV shows on your PC

Most major television programs are now being available for free. Watch a collection of top shows from NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, HBO, Discovery and other TV and cable networks. Watch free TV online.

Free Movies index- Select a Category
Bugs Bunny free cartoons
Laurel and Hardy free movies
Western Movies

John Wayne, Roy Rogers and more!
Betty Boop cartoon
Cartoon Festival: Betty Boop

The first sex-bombshell of the animated world, Betty Boop wooed movie-goers of the 1930s in this series.
Special Collection:
Frank Sinatra

Watch and download classic Frank Sinatra films such as "Suddenly," "Till the Clouds Roll By," and "Man with the Golden Arm"

Watch episode clips of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher

Free Movie Titles A-Z
Free Movie FAQ
Drama & Suspense
Mystery & Crime
Family & Kids
Horror & Sci-Fi
Christmas Movies
Foreign (non US) Films
TV Episodes
Upcoming Films 2011

Movie Feeds & Trailers

These pages link to RSS feeds from Fandango and other top entertainment sources that are updated with video clips, new trailers, news and features.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Movie Trailer
Movie Trailers: Top 10 Box Office
Movie Trailers: Coming Soon
Entertainment and Celebrity News
Fandango: Sweepstakes and Promos
More 2011 Films and Trailers
Elizabeth Taylor dies at age 73

Actress Elizabeth Taylor died on March 23, 2011 at age 79. Watch and download The Last Time I Saw Paris starring Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson star in this heartwrenching tale of a love gone sour.

Home Videos:

Bellagio Fountains, Las Veags
The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV Strip
"Pavarotti at the Venetian"
iPod Videos and Podcasts
Tucson, Arizona Rodeo
Search Amazon.com for free movies
Search Amazon for DVD, Blu-ray movies

Search Amazon Now:

Watch movie trailers online

Watch new and upcoming movie trailers of films to be released by the major movie studios. Read detailed film production notes, cast bios and photos, movies reviews, blogs and other interactive features. Find out about the new Films and watch movie trailers and clips.
See Classic TV Shows

You can also watch and download full length episodes of classic television programs from the 1950s and 1960s like Honeymooners, Dick Van Dyke, The Lucy Show, Beverly Hillbillies, Johnny Carson, Milton Berle, Dr. Kildare, TV game shows and more. Browse the catalog of TV Shows.
Play movies on a mobile device

These movies can be downloaded to your computer and transferred or synched to a mobile device like an iPhone, iPod, smartphone or other portable video device. These movies can also be burned to CDs or DVDs. Read more about downloading movies to watch on a mobile.
Entertainment Magazine: Free Movies
Watch and Download Free Movies from EMOL.org

Watch and download free movies, music videos, classic TV shows and trailers on your PC or mobile device.

There is no cost for these movies since they are in the public domain and no longer have a copyright.

The free movie catalog includes a collection of nearly 200 classic films- comedies, cartoons, dramas, romance, westerns, classic TV shows and dozens of music videos, video clips and movie trailers.

These movies play automatically if you have either Quicktime or Windows Media Player installed. You can also choose several different play and download options for each movies.

A new format is also being installed so movies play streaming in a larger screen.

Select free movies to watch and download.
How to watch free movies on your computer

There are two options to view these free movies. Play them instantly and watch the movies online, or download them to watch later.

These movies use a new code found in many browsers that provide quick streaming video without any special software.

The Free Movie FAQ tells how to improve your experience, learn new techniques for watching and downloading movies from the Internet and helps solve problems.

Watch directly on your computer. Select a movie title. Choose a play speed. The movie will start to play. How to watch free movies
Download the movies to a PC. Watch the movie, and just save the movie file to play it later. Transfer to a mobile. How to download free movies. Browse the list of free movies to download.

If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or other mobile video player, watch movies on your device. Download the movie to your PC and synch it to your video device. Learn more about transferring movies to your mobile.

These free movies and downloads are courtesy of Entertainment Magazine (EMOL.org). We are able to provide this free web service through the support of our affiliate advertisers throughout our site. Most major retailers accept international sales and deliveries.
Watch TV shows on your PC

Most major television programs are now being available for free. Watch a collection of top shows from NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, HBO, Discovery and other TV and cable networks. Watch free TV online.

Free Movies index- Select a Category
Bugs Bunny free cartoons
Laurel and Hardy free movies
Western Movies

John Wayne, Roy Rogers and more!
Betty Boop cartoon
Cartoon Festival: Betty Boop

The first sex-bombshell of the animated world, Betty Boop wooed movie-goers of the 1930s in this series.
Special Collection:
Frank Sinatra

Watch and download classic Frank Sinatra films such as "Suddenly," "Till the Clouds Roll By," and "Man with the Golden Arm"

Watch episode clips of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher

Free Movie Titles A-Z
Free Movie FAQ
Drama & Suspense
Mystery & Crime
Family & Kids
Horror & Sci-Fi
Christmas Movies
Foreign (non US) Films
TV Episodes
Upcoming Films 2011

Movie Feeds & Trailers

These pages link to RSS feeds from Fandango and other top entertainment sources that are updated with video clips, new trailers, news and features.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Movie Trailer
Movie Trailers: Top 10 Box Office
Movie Trailers: Coming Soon
Entertainment and Celebrity News
Fandango: Sweepstakes and Promos
More 2011 Films and Trailers
Elizabeth Taylor dies at age 73

Actress Elizabeth Taylor died on March 23, 2011 at age 79. Watch and download The Last Time I Saw Paris starring Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson star in this heartwrenching tale of a love gone sour.

Home Videos:

Bellagio Fountains, Las Veags
The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV Strip
"Pavarotti at the Venetian"
iPod Videos and Podcasts
Tucson, Arizona Rodeo
Search Amazon.com for free movies
Search Amazon for DVD, Blu-ray movies

Search Amazon Now:

Watch movie trailers online

Watch new and upcoming movie trailers of films to be released by the major movie studios. Read detailed film production notes, cast bios and photos, movies reviews, blogs and other interactive features. Find out about the new Films and watch movie trailers and clips.
See Classic TV Shows

You can also watch and download full length episodes of classic television programs from the 1950s and 1960s like Honeymooners, Dick Van Dyke, The Lucy Show, Beverly Hillbillies, Johnny Carson, Milton Berle, Dr. Kildare, TV game shows and more. Browse the catalog of TV Shows.
Play movies on a mobile device

These movies can be downloaded to your computer and transferred or synched to a mobile device like an iPhone, iPod, smartphone or other portable video device. These movies can also be burned to CDs or DVDs. Read more about downloading movies to watch on a mobile.

Watch and Download Free Movies from EMOL.org

Watch and download free movies, music videos, classic TV shows and trailers on your PC or mobile device.

There is no cost for these movies since they are in the public domain and no longer have a copyright.

The free movie catalog includes a collection of nearly 200 classic films- comedies, cartoons, dramas, romance, westerns, classic TV shows and dozens of music videos, video clips and movie trailers.

These movies play automatically if you have either Quicktime or Windows Media Player installed. You can also choose several different play and download options for each movies.

A new format is also being installed so movies play streaming in a larger screen.

Select free movies to watch and download.
How to watch free movies on your computer

There are two options to view these free movies. Play them instantly and watch the movies online, or download them to watch later.

These movies use a new code found in many browsers that provide quick streaming video without any special software.

The Free Movie FAQ tells how to improve your experience, learn new techniques for watching and downloading movies from the Internet and helps solve problems.

Watch directly on your computer. Select a movie title. Choose a play speed. The movie will start to play. How to watch free movies
Download the movies to a PC. Watch the movie, and just save the movie file to play it later. Transfer to a mobile. How to download free movies. Browse the list of free movies to download.

If you have an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or other mobile video player, watch movies on your device. Download the movie to your PC and synch it to your video device. Learn more about transferring movies to your mobile.

These free movies and downloads are courtesy of Entertainment Magazine (EMOL.org). We are able to provide this free web service through the support of our affiliate advertisers throughout our site. Most major retailers accept international sales and deliveries.
Watch TV shows on your PC

Most major television programs are now being available for free. Watch a collection of top shows from NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, HBO, Discovery and other TV and cable networks. Watch free TV online.

Free Movies index- Select a Category
Bugs Bunny free cartoons
Laurel and Hardy free movies
Western Movies

John Wayne, Roy Rogers and more!
Betty Boop cartoon
Cartoon Festival: Betty Boop

The first sex-bombshell of the animated world, Betty Boop wooed movie-goers of the 1930s in this series.
Special Collection:
Frank Sinatra

Watch and download classic Frank Sinatra films such as "Suddenly," "Till the Clouds Roll By," and "Man with the Golden Arm"

Watch episode clips of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher

Free Movie Titles A-Z
Free Movie FAQ
Drama & Suspense
Mystery & Crime
Family & Kids
Horror & Sci-Fi
Christmas Movies
Foreign (non US) Films
TV Episodes
Upcoming Films 2011

Movie Feeds & Trailers

These pages link to RSS feeds from Fandango and other top entertainment sources that are updated with video clips, new trailers, news and features.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Movie Trailer
Movie Trailers: Top 10 Box Office
Movie Trailers: Coming Soon
Entertainment and Celebrity News
Fandango: Sweepstakes and Promos
More 2011 Films and Trailers
Elizabeth Taylor dies at age 73

Actress Elizabeth Taylor died on March 23, 2011 at age 79. Watch and download The Last Time I Saw Paris starring Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson star in this heartwrenching tale of a love gone sour.

Home Videos:

Bellagio Fountains, Las Veags
The Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, NV Strip
"Pavarotti at the Venetian"
iPod Videos and Podcasts
Tucson, Arizona Rodeo
Search Amazon.com for free movies
Search Amazon for DVD, Blu-ray movies

Search Amazon Now:

Watch movie trailers online

Watch new and upcoming movie trailers of films to be released by the major movie studios. Read detailed film production notes, cast bios and photos, movies reviews, blogs and other interactive features. Find out about the new Films and watch movie trailers and clips.
See Classic TV Shows

You can also watch and download full length episodes of classic television programs from the 1950s and 1960s like Honeymooners, Dick Van Dyke, The Lucy Show, Beverly Hillbillies, Johnny Carson, Milton Berle, Dr. Kildare, TV game shows and more. Browse the catalog of TV Shows.
Play movies on a mobile device

These movies can be downloaded to your computer and transferred or synched to a mobile device like an iPhone, iPod, smartphone or other portable video device. These movies can also be burned to CDs or DVDs. Read more about downloading movies to watch on a mobile.